My Little Book Of Reward & Recognition
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My Little Book of Employee Benefits
Employee Value Proposition Quiz by My Staff Shop Get It Now
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Employee Value Proposition Quiz by My Staff Shop Get It Now
gold trophy lays against orange background, spilling gold stars confetti

What are Employee Rewards?

What are Employee Rewards? Employee Rewards are perks that a company delivers to its employees to motivate, engage, and retain their workforce. It’s that simple. Rewards will likely look different from company to company; for example a large group of retail workers will likely appreciate high street store discounts, and employees that work in an...

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What is Reward and Recognition (R&R)?

What is Reward and Recognition (R&R), and why is it critical in enhancing employee satisfaction, motivation, and retention?  Staff rewards – whereby a manager rewards employees with a monetary or non monetary gift for a job well done, achieving a particular goal, or hitting a career milestone – play a significant role in attracting and...

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blue background with yellow smiley face motif

How to keep employees happy: Reward & Recognition

Keeping employees happy is more important than ever, with job hopping being on the rise, and people less willing to stick around in a job where they aren’t content. Retaining talent and maintaining working relationships can be difficult with so many employers promising the world. But could you be offering more? Reward Gateway found that...

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Mint green background with gold trophies scattered in foreground

10 ways to reward your staff

The last 5 years have been disruptive to normal work life. Nearly 60% of employees report they are stressed at their jobs every day: so to keep your employees happy and motivated, reward them with something that shows them their organisation really cares about their welfare and success. 37% said that personal recognition would encourage...

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gold trophy and gold stars scattered on white background, with 'Employee Appreciation Day' written in foreground in black block font

Employee Appreciation Day

It’s Employee Appreciation Day! But what does that mean? Essentially, we could all do with a reminder to recognise how much our team does, and acknowledging these efforts is the best way to make your employees feel appreciated. In difficult times, feeling recognised can be a huge motivating factor. Despite this, research from Gallup and...

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Top tips for boosting morale in the office

There’s no shortage of challenges that recent years have brought, with the pandemic, cost of living crisis, and industrial action being the major talking points that have shaken things up for the UK. With everything up in the air, times have been tough, and people coming in to work with things on their mind is...

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