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Employee Value Proposition Quiz by My Staff Shop Get It Now
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Employee Value Proposition Quiz by My Staff Shop Get It Now
green background with outline of a side profile, head is unfinished, with flowers spilling out so they look as though they are coming out of the head

Nurturing Minds: Prioritising mental health awareness in the workplace

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week in the UK, and it presents HR with a means of opening up the conversation, providing advice and signposting people towards relevant resources and helps break the stigma of mental health at work. It might seem that we are always talking about this subject, but the reality is,...

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coral orange background with four rocks getting smaller piled into stack

How to be a champion for employee wellbeing

Thinking about wellbeing isn’t something reserved just for Blue Monday. Employee wellbeing is important, and your team appreciates you not only stating that, but making sure you walk the walk when it comes to policy and practice. If you feel like you could be doing more to help employees to manage their wellness, there are...

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green background with star confetti, christmas tree sprigs, gift, christmas cookie, and candy cane sprinkled across bottom of image

Support employee wellbeing during the holiday season

Whatever holidays you celebrate, December is a month of festivities and an incredibly busy period for many employees and organisations. From shopping, cooking, wrapping gifts and Christmas parties to compiling end of year reports, the hallowed work-life balance can be thrown off kilter. A poll by recruitment company Monster found that 61% of workers claim...

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Side profile of paper face with jigsaw pieces spilling out of the top of the head, against light blue background

World Mental Health Day

Today marks World Mental Health Day 2023, a time to reflect on how face-paced and ever connected lives cope with the stresses and strains of the modern world. It’s also the perfect opportunity to check in with your employees and colleagues, and ask them how they are feeling. Sometimes all people need is a friendly...

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Desk with paper and stationary scattered, and word 'burnout' in black block letters as central focus

Five ways HR can help fight employee burnout and stress

Occupational stress and employee burnout remain an issue for HR. In fact, in the UK, sick days cost the economy £14bn annually while mental health illness and work-related stress is losing UK businesses 23.3 million working days, and is responsible for almost half of all absenteeism cases (48%).  Whether your people are feeling the effects...

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Close up of jar and spoon containing pink bath salts, with bright pink flower petals scattered

10 ways self-care can help beat stress

We all get stressed, it’s part of life, but when it takes over, it is a sign that you need to take action. A UK-wide stress survey by The Mental Health Foundation found that almost three-quarters of adults (74%) have felt so stressed over the past year that they have become overwhelmed or unable to...

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Cartoon doodle style image showing stacks of paper, question marks, alarm clock, brain, formula and money, giving the overall impression of stress

How to identify & manage workplace stress

Stress, anxiety & depression accounts for 17.9 million days of work absenteeism in the UK. Not only that, there is a causal link between sustained periods of stress and other long term illnesses. Identifying signs of stress reduces absenteeism and pre-absenteeism (at work but too distracted to concentrate). Not only that, happy colleagues are more...

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colourful blurry background, with paper dolls holding hands

Employee wellbeing within the wider community

At My Staff Shop we not only provide excellent standard employee benefits: discount shopping and reward & recognition. We’re also here to help you improve your business’ standing in the community. Below top two ways My Staff Shop assist you to improve your employee wellbeing within the wider community. Green Credentials “Why drive to the...

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Five steps to make mental health conversations easier

Five steps to make mental health conversations easier

Time to talk is a day to highlight the idea, the need and the knowledge of holding conversations about mental health. It aims to bring together friends, family, community and workplaces to break the taboo around mental health. Everyone has mental health, good and bad. Naturally, we tend to only think about poor mental health....

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