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blue background with thermometer showing '36.8' degrees celcius

Seeing a Spike in Sick Days?

Sick Days can really throw a spanner in the works when it comes to company productivity. Unfortunately, The Access Group 2024 sick leave report saw an average of 128 days lost to sickness in the last year. In fact, since 2019 when the world was impacted by the pandemic, sickness absence rates have been up...

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plasters motif against light blue bakground

Why more employees want health insurance

It’s no secret the NHS has been under immense pressure over the last 5 years. Covid-19,a shortage of beds, and doctors leaving for private clinics has caused unprecedented stress on our health service. The strain has brought NHS waiting times up to 14.5 weeks, and only 58% of patients are being treated within 18 weeks....

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green background with outline of a side profile, head is unfinished, with flowers spilling out so they look as though they are coming out of the head

Nurturing Minds: Prioritising mental health awareness in the workplace

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week in the UK, and it presents HR with a means of opening up the conversation, providing advice and signposting people towards relevant resources and helps break the stigma of mental health at work. It might seem that we are always talking about this subject, but the reality is,...

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green background with star confetti, christmas tree sprigs, gift, christmas cookie, and candy cane sprinkled across bottom of image

Support employee wellbeing during the holiday season

Whatever holidays you celebrate, December is a month of festivities and an incredibly busy period for many employees and organisations. From shopping, cooking, wrapping gifts and Christmas parties to compiling end of year reports, the hallowed work-life balance can be thrown off kilter. A poll by recruitment company Monster found that 61% of workers claim...

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pink background with felt moustache in the centre

It’s Movember!

It’s Movember! This annual November event invites men to put down the trimmer and roll with the ‘tache, with the goal of raising awareness for pressing health issues that too often go unspoken. With male suicide, prostate cancer and testicular cancer all being dominating health problems for men from all walks of life, Movember is...

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flatlay showing medical equipment including syringe, tongue depressor, and first aid kit

Healthcare Benefits – are they worth it?

Our health is one of the most valuable things that we have, and employees feel this way too! Not only are healthcare benefits among the most popular for employers to offer, but HIVE360 found that health and wellbeing support with 24/7 access to a personal doctor was the number one employee benefit for 48% of...

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blue background with stethoscope laying flat in focus

Staff health and wellbeing during uncertain times

The importance of employee mental health and wellbeing has never been greater. Forget the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Ukraine conflict, even the ongoing financial struggles thanks to the cost of living crisis; whichever way you look at it, people are stressed and when employees are struggling, it will undoubtedly impact their working lives....

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