My Little Book Of Reward & Recognition
Employee Value Proposition Quiz by My Staff Shop Get It Now
My Little Book of Employee Benefits
Employee Value Proposition Quiz by My Staff Shop Get It Now
Unravel Your EVP: Take The Quiz!
Employee Value Proposition Quiz by My Staff Shop Get It Now
Background of dappled different shades of green paint, with letters 'EVP' in white block outline font

What is an EVP?

You may have heard of the phrase ‘Employee Value Proposition’ otherwise known as an ‘EVP’, but what does it mean and why is it important? As it all falls under employer branding, think of it as how you are presenting yourself to existing staff and prospective employees. By offering up strong values, a healthy company...

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Blue background with paper people being drawn towards a hand with a magnet in

Combatting High Staff Turnover: Strategies for Workplace Retention

Retention is one of the primary focuses for HR and high staff turnover can be a significant challenge for any organisation. Not only does it lead to increased recruitment costs and a loss of productivity, but it can really disrupt team dynamics – and that is never good for business. A recent study from Work...

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Red background with paper dolls being attracted towards magnet

Top Tips for recruitment

Struggling to attract the talent your company needs? Finding difficulty in replacing a diamond of an employee that is moving on? Trawling through tons of applications that don’t fit the bill? Recruitment can be a tricky task, but there are some steps you can take to engage a thriving candidate pool and improve your chances...

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Blue chairs lined up with yellow chair as focal point in the centre

Bringing in new talent: how to recruit the best of the best

Bringing a new member of staff on board can be an exciting prospect. New ideas, passion and working dynamics from a new hire can breathe life into an office, but it can also be a costly decision. Turnover of staff is cited by 47% of HR professionals worldwide as their top issue within the workplace,...

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pink background with calendar shown on right side, and small colourful post-its

How to have employees stick around for the long run

Employee loyalty is worth its weight in gold. Not only will a trusted workforce keep morale high in the workplace, but it will also help keep costs down. The CIPD has estimated that the average cost of hiring a new staff member to fill a vacancy, including cost of labour, is around £6,000. So retaining...

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blue background with mug in foreground, featuring sad face drawn in pen

Are Your Employees Happy? Here’s Some Key Things to Look Out For…

Worried that your people don’t seem as happy as they could be? The UK places 12th in the world in terms of employee satisfaction, with 74% of employees feeling very satisfied. But with one in three staff saying they are unhappy in the workplace, there is still a way to go for overall satisfaction. There...

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close up of home working desk

Is hybrid working the way forward? – Why flexible working will stick in 2023

The COVID-19 pandemic undoubtedly changed many aspects of our lifestyles, but some of those day-to-day differences have had a lasting effect. While working from home was a key element of tackling the virus, for many businesses it highlighted the fact that for many, being in the office every day isn’t the only way to get...

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We’re delighted to announce that we have now concluded negotiations to bring My Staff Shop and My Health Xtras

My Staff Shop has exciting news!

We’re delighted to announce that we have now concluded negotiations to bring My Staff Shop and My Health Xtras under ownership of the newly formed Lyneal Group Employee Ownership Trust, with all of our employees now having a beneficial interest in the Trust, making it the only major UK Employee Benefits platform owned by its Employees! Management...

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Employee Satisfaction: The 9 metrics you need to know

Measuring customers’ satisfaction has long been an important metric for businesses looking to retain customers. However, the success of an organisation depends upon how it keeps its employees motivated. How do you deliver a great customer experience with demotivated staff? Keeping employees engaged at work has become more challenging since the pandemic changed all the...

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