My Little Book Of Reward & Recognition
Employee Value Proposition Quiz by My Staff Shop Get It Now
My Little Book of Employee Benefits
Employee Value Proposition Quiz by My Staff Shop Get It Now
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Employee Value Proposition Quiz by My Staff Shop Get It Now
yellow background with side profile of head, and colourful cogs in place of brain

How to get employees to engage

Feeling a general lack of energy in the workplace? This isn’t surprising, given that employee engagement fell to just 23% in the UK last year. Getting employees engaged can often be a challenge, as ebbs and flows of motivation is common. Sometimes it’s the time of year, sometimes personal issues, and there are times when...

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purple image with piggy bank in light purple

What savings can I offer my employees?

2024 is starting off with more financial uncertainty. Data shows that the UK has fallen into a recession, and with world politics & economic decline causing more concern, keeping your money exactly where you need it is important to make sure this year can feel more financially secure. Everyone has a different idea of what...

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coral orange background with four rocks getting smaller piled into stack

How to be a champion for employee wellbeing

Thinking about wellbeing isn’t something reserved just for Blue Monday. Employee wellbeing is important, and your team appreciates you not only stating that, but making sure you walk the walk when it comes to policy and practice. If you feel like you could be doing more to help employees to manage their wellness, there are...

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small electric car hooked up to charger in 3D cartoon style, against grey background

Embracing EVs: Driving your way to Corporate Responsibility

The rise of Electric Vehicles (EVs) parallels the growing popularity of sustainability initiatives worldwide. Over two thirds (70%) now expect their employers, or potential employers, to be proactively working towards sustainability. So it’s not a surprise companies are paying more attention to their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and any Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives,...

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Red background with paper dolls being attracted towards magnet

Top Tips for recruitment

Struggling to attract the talent your company needs? Finding difficulty in replacing a diamond of an employee that is moving on? Trawling through tons of applications that don’t fit the bill? Recruitment can be a tricky task, but there are some steps you can take to engage a thriving candidate pool and improve your chances...

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Using our digital and reloadable gift cards

So you’ve just started with My Staff Shop and you’re excited to show your colleagues and employees their brand new benefits platform. But where do you start? Well, the easiest and most effective way to start saving is finding all the best deals with our discounted gift cards and cashback offers, and here’s what you...

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How to keep employees happy: Reward & Recognition

Keeping employees happy is more important than ever, with job hopping being on the rise, and people less willing to stick around in a job where they aren’t content. Retaining talent and maintaining working relationships can be difficult with so many employers promising the world. But could you be offering more? Reward Gateway found that...

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Managing from a distance: remote work woes

It’s no secret that the working world has been on a rollercoaster for the last 5 years. During lockdown the majority of the population moved to remote working, and faced upheavals and changes most businesses had not prepared for, but quickly adapted to. So when the British workforce began to return to normality, many people...

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pink background with confetti and smartphone displaying My Staff Shop App

How to boost benefit uptake

So, you’re using My Staff Shop, or thinking about it? But how do you encourage employees to make the most out of the platform and stack up big savings? One issue with employers investing in benefits is feeling that they aren’t being utilised by their employees. There’s no point spending company money on perks that...

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